Tuesday, 25 March 2008

Ladies Matter 12

A~ has something on her mind...

"Why do women feel the compelling need to constantly explain and defend their single/childless state? Whereas, we rarely find a married woman or a mother explaining her decision to marry or have kids?"


A Motley Tunic said...

The default setting seldom has instructions in the help section.

Laksh said...

Ammani, awesome job with this and your other blogs. Have a lil something for you over at my blog. Please stop by when you have a chance.

Altoid said...

I like Sowmya's succinct reasoning :).

The long and short of it is that whats different from the norm HAS to be abnormal. And most times not only is there a compelling need to justify one's situation, there is also an inherent deduction that there must be a flaw/fault that causes such a situation.

Anonymous said...

The comments above say it all.
Its the deviation from the "norm"...

A BIG caveat though -

Going against the grain (opting to remain single in this case) is not NECESSARILY better.(I know...I know...its the bread and butter of feminists everywhere, but hear me out). Many many folks out there can extol upon the virtues of being married - one them being that life is just more fun/eventful/diverse with kids and a spouse. So why miss out on all that? If life is all about experiences, the more the merrier...right? Heck! Even Gloria Steinem married.

Caveat over.

If you are single and rockin'- more power to you.

Anonymous said...

I was single and working and now am married with a kid and still working.
I now have far less time & patience to justify myself to anyone than when I was single. I'd rather spend my time & energy doing something for myself, professionally or personally.

Archana said...

Sowmya, awesome! Married women are usually not called upon or expected to justify their married status. Neither are they at the receiving end of persuasion by single people as to why they need to become single pronto.